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Updated: Oct 15, 2021

knowing oneself


Hi there! I'm so glad that you're taking your time to visit our blog! I'm Adrian Javier, 16 years old, and a grade 11 STEM student on the path of being financially stable, individual adult.

Growing up, I have discovered that I will go through a stage called adolescence. This stage has taught me a lot about myself, and I’m still learning until I become an adult. I have undergone many different changes in many different aspects of myself. These changes made me more self-aware about myself, I can now improve myself individually without any help from others. But it doesn’t mean that I won’t ever need help, I’m still not fully developed so I still experience humps and bumps in life where I can be in a bad place on many different aspects of life, in which I still seek help from my significant others and my friends. Self-examination was a big help in my self-awareness. Having a journal, looking at myself objectively with no bias, and always trying to improve myself made me much better now compared to when I was starting adolescence.

Among the different aspects of myself that I have developed, my physical aspect was obviously the first and the most evident among all. Acne, body hairs, voice changes, and growth of several parts of my body were all present, except for some parts of my body that were supposed to develop but didn’t due to my relatively rapid weight loss. The development process of my emotions was easy to see too due to depression, anxiety, and mood swings. My cognitive and mental development, however, is a lot better. My passion which involves a lot of problem solving and math, increased my skills in said areas. Games helped too, but I see it as more of a mirror of my cognitive development. Thinking more objectively has done good work for my mental health and development. I have managed to stop overreacting, overthinking about what others think, and regretting past mistakes 100% of the time. I have lowered it to 99% of the time. (kidding) I have learned that everything is temporary, so living in the present has been my goal. These developments in my mental health have made me live life much better and made my decisions easier. I am not great when talking about social skills, I’ve always been blending in with the group but when it comes to trying to socialize with a class-sized group of people, I wouldn’t be able to speak one word. But that has changed because of my mental development. Now, I could talk to people and socialize with them if necessary.



while most of us may want to have something to look back on in the future, we want to witness our growth through this blog.

in this page, we mean to write down our progress as we embark on a new chapter of our lives, so that when we grown up, we can go back to this & see how much we've come to grow as a person.

– retractu

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