The brain is one of the most important part of our bodies. In order for the other organs to operate, the brain sends signals to them. No matter what our other organs want to accomplish, when our brain is gone, nothing works. Because of the environment we live in, I am constantly striving to mature my mind and mentality as I grow older. Our surroundings will question our ideas, which will cause us to doubt ourselves, unless we care and put ourselves into it. I always wonder about how we are thinking about these things.

There are three major developmental divisions of the brain parts that has different functions: Hindbrain, Mid-brain, & Forebrain. The first is the hindbrain, which is in charge of our instinctual and autonomic behavior as well as survival functions. The medulla, which included the cerebellum, pons, and reticular activating system, was found in the hindbrain. These four regions of the hindbrain are most likely in charge of blood circulation, digestion, sleep, muscle coordination, balance, movement, and reflexes.
The midbrain is also a region of the brain that performs key tasks in motor movement, notably eye movements, as well as auditory and visual processing. It is also the brain's conduction and switching center, which allows for responses. It's as if it's in control of understanding.
The forebrain is the last part, and it is crucial in the processing of information linked to complex cognitive tasks, sensory and associative functions, and voluntary motor actions. This portion of the brain contained the pituitary gland and the cerebrum, which was known as the 'Executive Center.' The thalamus, hypothalamus, and corpus callosum, which links the two hemispheres, are the other components.
There is a theory where they say that there is such thing like left-brained and right-brained individuals. This idea, titled 'The Lateralization of the Brain: The Left and Right Brain Theory,' was suggested by Nobel prize winners Roger Sperry and Joseph Bogen. There are numerous regions of the brain, but in this theory, they focus more on its two sides, or what we call 'hemispheres,' and they claim that distinct functions are performed on each side of the brain.
People who are left-brained are said to be more vocal, analytical, and organized than those who are right-brained. It's also known as the digital brain. It performs better in areas like as reading, writing, and computing. They also excel in logic, sequencing, logical thinking, and facts.
When you feel you are a right-brained person, you are more creative or artistic. The right brain is more visual and intuitive than the left. It is sometimes referred to as the analog brain. It thinks in a more imaginative and less structured way. According to the research, right-brained people excel at creativity, holistic thinking, intuition, arts, rhythm, nonverbal cues, emotional imagery, and daydreaming.
Inspired by that theory, William Edward Herrmann began his theory as he pondered how the brain worked. His theory was known as 'The Whole Brain Theory.' The findings of electroencephalograph (EEG) scans were used to support this notion. As a result, he identifies four primary forms of thinking: analytical, practical, relational, and experimental.
Analytical thinkers rely on facts and reasoning. Practical thinkers are highly structured and place a high value on detailed plans and procedures. Relational thinkers are more emotional, and their findings are influenced by their feelings. Experimental thinkers are more creative, and they like experimenting with concepts, methodologies, and big-picture approaches to problem solving.
Reading such theories makes us question what type of thinker I am. Based on Sperry and Bogen's Theory, I tested myself on three different websites to see if I am left-brained or right-brained. I attest to myself, and I discovered on the three websites I visited that I use both sides equally. They claim that depending on how the circumstance impacts me, I may use my left or right brain. I also looked up a whole brain test, but all I found was a non-standardized test, but I did it anyhow. The end result was that I used everything equally, and I'm still surprised.
For me, knowing what areas of our brain are dominant or excellent at is important because we can think about what we weren't good at and use it as a motivator to learn more and get better. It is also up to the individual if they want to know their strengths so they may improve and practice them more. Everything has advantages and disadvantages, but it is up to the person to determine how he or she perceives the situation.