Since I was a in grade school, I always cry because of small things even though I didn’t need to cry in that situation. In this situation I can say that I am not emotionally intelligent. But first things first, what is Emotional Intelligence? It is our capability and the ability to understand and manage our emotions in a positive manner. But we can’t say that our emotions are always positive so that there is a negative emotion. In my life as a kid before I can’t control my emotions like if I’m sad I will cry very intense even though I’m only sad because my parents can’t buy the candy I wanted. And also, when I go upstairs alone, I got really scared that my feet will stop moving and starts to move backwards. But as I grow up, I begin to develop my emotional intelligence and I’m starting to have the ability to manage and understand my own emotions in positive ways to relieve having stress. For example, in our classroom in Grade 9, there is a person that always against to what I’m doing he even shout at me even though my decisions don’t affect him. I’m just laughing at him and just keep doing what I wanted to do, I’m not letting his emotions affect me for just a simple thing that can be solved without giving a fight and argument.
What are the positive emotions? These emotions commonly identified as joy, pride, love, contentment, trust and anticipation. These positive emotions can be source of our enjoyment, motivation and this emotion makes our lives more exciting. But emotions are not always positive, that’s why there are negative emotions which is the shame, fear, anger, grief, guilt, sadness, anxiety, disgust, embarrassment, and frustration. Negative emotions in the other hand may cause moodiness, loss of temper that we sometimes tend us to high our tones and scream to the person were talking to. Today in present I think I fully developed my emotional intelligence because I can control my emotions positively and where to use them depends on the situation. Also, the intensity of emotion I should use must depend on the degree of my temper.